Home    Industry News    [product recommendation] KT 1963 high molecular weight polyisobutylene dibutylimide

[product recommendation] KT 1963 high molecular weight polyisobutylene dibutylimide

Hits: 3890512 2020-03-26

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This product is made of high activity polyisobutylene by heat addition process. It has excellent thermal stability, good detergency and low-temperature sludge dispersion, which can effectively inhibit the formation of carbon deposition and paint film on the engine piston. Its high-temperature detergency and high-temperature resistance are far superior to the traditional T154 and t155 products.
Product characteristics
■ excellent thermal stability ■ good high temperature detergency ■ good low temperature dispersion
■ good oil solubility ■ good solubilization ■ chlorine free
Product use
It is mainly used to prepare high-grade engine oil.
Reference dosage
quality index
Product storage, transportation and safety
During storage, transportation, loading and unloading and use of the product, refer to SH / T0164 standard and safety data manual of the product. This product is non flammable, non explosive and non corrosive. The maximum storage temperature shall not exceed 75 ℃; in case of long-term storage, the maximum temperature shall not exceed 45 ℃. Please refer to the product safety data sheet for product safety, user health and environmental precautions. Product packaging in bulk; barreled.
Kangtai Co., Ltd. takes product quality and user value as its responsibility to manufacture high-quality lubricant additives.
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