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How deep should I fish for silver carp and bighead carp? Grasp these two details and you will be invincible

Hits: 3890754 2020-03-28

The hottest month of the year is August. The temperature is extremely high and the pressure is low. If you catch bottom fish, you will often go home empty handed. Therefore, many fishing friends have changed to catch non bottom fish that are more resistant to high temperature. Silver carp and bighead carp are their first choice. Because silver carp and Bighead Carp grow fast, they can grow to about 5 jin in two or three years. Besides, silver carp and bighead carp have the habit of finding food in groups, and their intelligence quotient is not high. Moreover, the impact of fish in half water will be very strong, so they are loved by fishing friends. But the fish layer of silver carp and Bighead Carp will change. If you can't find the fish layer, it will be a waste of effort. You can either miss the fish or anchor the fish. So, how deep should we go?
All fish have the characteristics of temperature, oxygen and food. Although silver carp and bighead carp are resistant to high temperature, they also have suitable temperature range. When the temperature is too high, they will go to the water layer with relatively low temperature to cool down. When the temperature is low, they will subconsciously go to the deep water area for heating. Therefore, the water layer of silver carp and bighead carp is not fixed. Maybe the water depth of fishing today is different from that of tomorrow, and the water depth of day and night is also different.
Many people think that silver carp and bighead carp are stupid. If the bait is atomized well enough in any water layer, the silver carp and Bighead Carp will follow the bait into the nest and eat the bait along with the fog of the bait. In fact, it's OK for you to think like this. In many cases, you can catch silver carp and bighead carp as long as you don't make a big mistake in finding the water layer. But the rate of medium-sized fish must be very low, and they always anchor the fish. After catching two, they will enter the nest. If the resources are not good, we will go home empty handed.
In fact, the water layer of silver carp and bighead carp is closely related to the following two points. For those who are confused about finding the fish layer, they may as well refer to them.
1. Judge the fish layer from the water temperature and air pressure of the day
In other seasons, the relationship between water temperature and air pressure may not be so close, but in hot days, the two parameters look after each other like brothers. Silver carp and bighead carp are not hypoxia tolerant species. The higher the water temperature is, the lower the dissolved oxygen index is. However, silver carp and bighead carp are heat-resistant species. Theoretically, the higher the temperature is, the more active they will be, but this does not include the time when the fish with low dissolved oxygen content floats up. Once the dissolved oxygen is low to a certain limit, silver carp and Bighead Carp will appear "floating head" phenomenon. At this time, don't expect any fish to open their mouth, because under the condition that the breath is not smooth, silver carp and bighead carp can't have the desire to find food. Jiaweixin: 97451739 Fishing Champion bait formula free guide!
In the morning and evening, the temperature will be relatively correct and the air pressure will be higher. At this time, we can fish a little deeper. For example, we can fish 80 cm in the daytime and 1 m in the evening.
2. Judge the fish layer from the depth of water level at the fishing point
In fact, not all waters need to be especially tangled with fish layers. In some relatively shallow waters, fish layers are actually very easy to find. For example, the wild pond you are fishing in is not deep, generally about 2 meters, so the difference between 1.2 meters and 1.5 meters is not great. As long as the bait is well atomized, the fish can find your bait. At that time, adjust the float according to the fish mouth.
But the water area of your fishing point is large, and the water is still very deep. If it moves, it is 5.8 meters. The fish layer is more exquisite, because the deeper the water is, the more water layers the fish can choose. If the fish cool down at the bottom of 3 meters deep and you fish at the depth of 1 meter, it's certainly not good. Don't think that the fish can be lured into the nest by the atomization of bait, it can only work in the same water layer, and there is no effect if the difference is too large.
It is very important to take the initiative to find the fish layer when fishing for silver carp and Bighead Carp
Although the water layer of silver carp and bighead carp is closely related to the above two parameters, we should take the initiative to find the fish layer when fishing. How to find it? In the current weather, it is recommended to start looking down from one meter at the beginning, push the float up about 20 cm each time, and then draw more than ten or twenty rods, generally there will be a signal soon after finding the right fish layer. If you haven't spoken at all, continue to look for the fish layer from the bottom to the top until you find the fish layer.
Finally, the state of bait should be controlled when fishing for silver carp and bighead carp. Otherwise, the excessive atomization of bait will cause the confusion of fish layer, which is easy to make silver carp and Bighead Carp float upward, and the phenomenon of fish not in the middle of mouth and anchoring fish will appear. Finally, the fish were induced by rapid atomization in the early stage, and the bait atomization was controlled after the fish entered the nest. In the same sentence, silver carp and bighead carp are very good at fishing. You only need to control the fish layer and the state of the bait. Generally, you will not be able to fly in the air force.

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