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Let's relax, man! There is no new coronavirus in semen and testis of patients with new coronavirus!

Hits: 3896418 2020-04-29

During the new crown pandemic, male testicles may be considered as potential targets of the new crown virus.
Recently, Yang Xiaoyu, the First Affiliated Hospital of Nanjing Medical University, and Yao Bing, the joint research team of Jinling Hospital Affiliated to Nanjing University Medical College, published a new study in the Journal of reproductive biology, which showed that the new crown virus RNA test was all negative by collecting the semen of patients in the recovery period and testis samples of the dead.
No virus in semen and testis of patients with new crown
As we all know, new coronavirus infection mainly leads to pneumonia, which is mainly directed at the respiratory system and spread through air droplets and contact. In addition to oropharyngeal swabs, new coronavirus has also been detected in blood, urine and face / anal swabs, suggesting that there may be other potential routes of transmission, the team said.
However, little is known about the potential impact of new coronavirus infection on the male reproductive system.
The team said it is an urgent issue to study whether men sexually transmit through semen.
For this purpose, novel coronavirus pneumonia (2019-nCoV) RNA was detected in 12 patients with convalescence and 1 patients with severe pneumonia.
Novel coronavirus pneumonia was selected from 12 to 22-38 years old in Wuhan from January 31, 2020 to March 14th. In addition, novel coronavirus pneumonia died in March 10th in 67 year old patients.
The team summarized the clinical features, laboratory tests, chest CT scans, treatment and clinical data of the 13 men. After strict disinfection and elimination of virus pollution from non semen sources, semen samples of 12 male patients were collected, while testicles were collected from the remains of 67 year old patients.
The results showed that novel coronavirus pneumonia (RNA) was negative in all 13 newly infected patients, indicating that the new testes and genital tract were not infected by the new crown virus in the male patients with convalescence and severe stage.
As for "will the new coronavirus affect male fertility and spermatogenesis? Does it affect female fertility and egg maturation? " Qiao Jie, academician of the Chinese Academy of engineering, stressed the importance of studying the effects of coronavirus on reproductive system, gamete and embryo development.
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