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College entrance examination reference - admission scores of some key majors of China Pharmaceutical University by provinces in 2019

Hits: 3895194 2020-04-23

North China
East China
south China
Central China
All the above data are provided by the "application for college entrance examination application application" system developed by the "xuechangbangbang" team. You can download this tool by yourself if you need more data and application help.
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Notice of important activities
1. From today to May 30, for students and parents who have purchased the "golden list title promotion card", the "xuechangbangbang" team will provide half an hour one-on-one college entrance examination planning consultation free of charge (the former card purchasers also enjoy this benefit during this period).
2. From today to May 30, for students and parents who have purchased the "golden list title promotion card", the "xuechangbangbang" team will provide a formal volunteer program review service (the former card purchasers also enjoy this benefit during this period).
3. The validity of the card is one year. Senior one and senior two students are entitled to three years of membership rights for purchasing the card this month.
Please add wechat: 18600027142 to help you make an appointment.
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