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What kind of painting do you like for the colorful T-stage show of belly?

Hits: 3895771 2020-04-26

Every baby is a little star,
A unique little star.
They feel it in their mother's stomach
The world's joys, sorrows and changes,
Also feel the mother and family
Give them tender and firm love.
On the afternoon of April 25, the T-stage show of belly painting of IQI maternity hospital began!
You Bao's father said that he only heard about belly painting before
But I've never seen it. I've never painted it myself
It was a rare opportunity for them yesterday
Treasure dads turn into "painters"
Feeling loveley myself
? belly painting
My father devoted himself to decorating my mother's stomach, which seemed to be full of warmth. This bowl of dog food was made up willingly.
Display of belly painting results
The semi-finished products are so attractive. Is the finished products more pleasing to the eyes? Let's take a look at your achievements!
Belly painting T-stage show
Big belly seems to be the best place for creativity. It's fresh, funny, not impossible, just unexpected! The young pregnant moms on the stage have big stomachs and put all kinds of poses with smiles. They are really pregnant.
Audience as a public judge
Vote for favorite works
Congratulations to the pregnant mother~
Aiqi'er maternity hospital also sincerely wishes all babies to be born smoothly and grow up healthily with Baba hemp full of love! In addition, we will also bring more and more fun activities for pregnant mothers and fathers to be, and add fun to your pregnancy life!

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