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What should be paid attention to in the seedling stage of ginger in the open air?

Hits: 3895884 2020-04-27

Our local open-air ginger is about to sprout and will soon enter the seedling stage. This year's temperature is higher than that of previous years, so timely shading is the key.
Ginger is a shade resistant plant, not resistant to high temperature and strong light. It can shade both in the South and the north. Immediately into the summer, the weather is hot, the sun is strong, the air is dry, if there is no sunshade measures, the ginger seedlings are short and grow poorly. When the seedling of ginger reaches 50%, sun shading should be carried out in time to promote the healthy growth of ginger seedling and increase the yield of rhizome.
1. Sunshade. Sunshade net is used for sunshade. The sunshade is uniform and does not damage the integrity of the mulch film. It is convenient for field management. Ginger seedlings grow vigorously. The specific ways are as follows:
High ceiling type sunshade:
A 2-meter-high arch scaffold is made of cement columns and bamboo poles, and a shading net with a shading rate of 30% should be selected.
Vertical screen:
The sunshade net will be stretched vertically between the lines of ginger and fixed with bamboo and wood, which looks like the way of ginger grass. The width is 60-65cm, and the sunshade rate can be 40%.
Agricultural film perforated sunscreen:
The black agricultural film with hole is selected, which is pulled between the lines of ginger and fixed with bamboo and wood.
2. To avoid the use of firewood shading: most of the ginger farmers are accustomed to planting ginger grass for shading, mostly using quercetin, millet grass, corn straw and other ginger grass, because the firewood is mostly with disease and insect residues, especially the corn borer in the winter of corn straw inserted ginger grass into the ginger field, which increases the base of the ginger field borer, aggravates the occurrence of the ginger borer, is not conducive to the prevention and control of ginger field diseases and insect, and the cost of cutting ginger grass is high due to the labor and time-consuming.
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