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[agricultural technology] how do you water corn at all growth stages?

Hits: 3894171 2020-04-18

Corn is resistant to high temperature and drought, and its root system can reach 2 meters deep underground, but because the leaves of corn are large, so the water demand is relatively large. When does it need watering to grow corn? If watering too much is good for corn growth?
Before answering this question, it is necessary for us to understand the water demand of corn in different growth periods. In the early stage of corn growth, the water demand is not large, but when it comes to flowering and heading, it starts to need a lot of water. Therefore, if the corn is watered too frequently before heading, it is not good for its growth. Here we have a brief understanding of the water demand characteristics of corn in different growth periods.
When corn is sown, if the soil moisture is insufficient, or the weather does not rain for a long time after sowing, it is obviously not conducive to the germination of corn. Generally speaking, the soil water content during corn sowing is between 65% and 75%. If the soil moisture content is lower than 65% when corn is sown, it is necessary to build soil moisture before sowing, otherwise the emergence of corn will be affected. Of course, if it is summer corn, you can also sow it, and then water it again.
After the emergence of corn, because the corn plant is short and the root system is not developed, although it is drought resistant, it is not waterlogged, so it is generally not watered during this period. But when the corn began to jointing, the plants began to grow crazily, and the water demand was relatively large. If the water content in the soil is lower than 65% of the field capacity, water it in time. When watering, we should pay attention to water permeability, not just wet the soil surface. Watering at the jointing stage can effectively reduce the situation of empty stem and increase the number of grains per ear.
When the corn reaches the heading stage, the leaf surface is already very large, and the temperature is also high during this period, and the transpiration of the leaf surface is very strong, so this is the biggest stage of water demand in the whole growth process. Once the water content in the soil is lower than 70%, it needs to be watered, and it also needs to be watered heavily and pervious. Watering at the heading stage of corn must be timely and sufficient. Don't expect rain on rainy days. It's too late to start irrigation until the leaves are wilting. In this way, corn production will be reduced.
During the grain filling period, water is still needed, but not in the heading period. During this period, the soil water content should be kept at 70% - 75% of the field water capacity. If the water content is lower than 70%, water in time. One of the purposes of this watering is to prevent the premature senescence of plants, so as to prolong the filling time of corn grains, and improve the filling speed, so as to improve the grain weight of corn.
Generally speaking, corn needs little water in the early stage, so try to water less or not. But after heading, it likes water. During this period, watering more water is helpful to the increase of corn yield.
From farmer's assistant
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